How do Changing Form in Kerry Park was born

The sun was setting in Kerry Park, casting a golden glow over the beautiful skyline of Seattle. As people stopped to admire the view, they noticed something strange on the ground. A small blob of metal and stone was slowly morphing and changing shape right before their eyes!

At first, everyone thought it was just an illusion created by the warm evening light. After closer inspection, it became clear that this metallic mass was actually shifting its form. It moved from being a tall column-like structure to a flat disc in front of their eyes. Some visitors even swore they saw it take on other shapes like triangles or spirals as well!

Curious onlookers began speculating about what could be causing this phenomenon. Some suggested aliens had brought it there, Others thought maybe scientists were experimenting with new technology nearby. No one could come up with an answer. Finally, someone pointed out an almost unreadable plaque next to the sculpture. After cleaning it up, it said “Changing Form” – created by local artist Doris Totten Chase in 1969.

A collective gasp went around as everyone realized that this artwork was not caused by any outside forces. It was actually created by incredibly talented sculptor who had crafted something unique and remarkable for them all to witness. From then on, Changing Form became part of Kerry Park lore. Parents started to bring they children, who were usually found crawling around its smooth, black curves. Every time someone visited they would marvel at its ever-changing form, never quite sure what shape it would take next! 


© Rock Intersection

Note from Rock Intersection

This story is entirely fictional other than the name of the sculpture, places, and author.

Changing Form (also known as Kinetic and Volumetric Space Frame) is an abstract steel sculpture by artist Doris Totten Chase. It is located in the center of Seattle's Kerry Park, in Washington state. Since its installation in 1971, the sculpture has been popular among photographers. They have used it to frame Seattle skyline, featuring Mt Rainier. 

I chose this sculpture because it is a place where I stopped by what I would call How it started (when I moved to Seattle in the Summer of 2003) vs How's it going (Thanksgiving 2022, first post-pandemic visit to Seattle). And of course, because Mother Love Bone has famous pictures there too, including the one featured on this story.  

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